Secure and Verifiable
Online Voting

For Your Elections and Votes

Our end-to-end verifiable, secure, online election technology, proves the integrity of democratic processes and verifies the accuracy of voting results, without losing flexibility and ability for customization

Get a dedicated experienced election expert team to manage your event, or let us train you for self-service.

Protect democracy. Prove integrity.

Election Events
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Key benefits

Turnout And Accesibility

Proven track record of raising voter turnout up to 100%. Tap into our best practices and solutions.

Security And Verifiability

Advanced, verifiable, and mathematically proven solutions acknowledged by security focused customers and academia.

Service And Flexibility

Benefit from our 22 years of experience, best practices, and highly accessible and easy-to-use systems.

Solutions for All Online Voting Events

We offer our services as managed service, and as self-service with initial training.

Supporting solutions

It is possible to add voter support systems and services, or candidate registration and presentation to your event

Assembly Assist​

Assembly Assist is a supporting solution that consists of three separate add-on modules that can be activated as part of an online scheduled election. Read More.

Assembly Pre Election

Assembly Pre Election is specifically designed to support your pre-election candidate nomination and presentation campaign as well as handle relevant interaction with voters. Read More.


Say Hello to Electa

World’s first combined end-to-end verifiable online voting system for Scheduled and Live Conference Voting

Assembly Voting is introducing the next-generation end-to-end verifiable online voting system to set a new high standard for election integrity in all types of democratic events.

Join us in embracing the new era of digital democracy with Electa!


How to Organize a Successful Online Voting Event

A step-by-step guide to setting up online voting in your organization

Regardless of how experienced (or inexperienced) you or your organization may be with online voting, our comprehensive guide got you covered. It is packed with valuable insights and best practices to help you navigate the world of online voting from A to Z.

In this ebook we will help you:

Regardless of how experienced (or inexperienced) you or your organization may be with online voting, our comprehensive guide got you covered. It is packed with valuable insights and best practices to help you navigate the world of online voting from A to Z.

In this ebook we will help you:

Main Features

Configure our system to support your specific election or voting needs, or contact us regarding any specific requirements.

Event types

  • Live Voting
  • Scheduled Voting
  • Candidacy Support
  • On-site or Online Support
  • Hybrid Voting

Secure and verifiable

  • End-to-end Verifiable
  • Threshold Encryption
  • Distributed Trust
  • Multi Factor Authentication
  • Receipt and Ballot Challenge

Ballot and Voting​

  • Multiple Marking Options
  • Weighted Voting
  • Voter Groups
  • Quorum Rules
  • Multi Language Support


Assembly Voting is fully compliant to EU GDPR legislation.

We conduct an annuall ISAE 3000 Type 2 revision and work accordingly to ISO 27001 standards.

Our hosting partner Exoscale’s hosting centers in Munich and Geneva is furthermore ISO/IEC 27001:2013, ISO/IEC 27017:2015 and ISO/IEC 27018:2019 compliant.

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Over 20 Years of Experience

We are an independent Danish technology company, with over 20 years of experience in developing and providing election software, as well as conducting statutory and non-statutory elections.

Deeply rooted in scientific research, we deliver end-to-end verifiable election systems in which every single part of the voting process can be checked and verified.

We make our technology and expertise available for a wide range of democratic events and clients around the world. These include ministries, international organizations, political parties, trade unions, and NGOs.

Over 20 Years of Experience

Assembly Voting 20 years experience

We are an independent Danish technology company, with over 20 years of experience in developing and providing election software, as well as conducting statutory and non-statutory elections.

Deeply rooted in scientific research, we deliver end-to-end verifiable election systems in which every single part of the voting process can be checked and verified.

We make our technology and expertise available for a wide range of democratic events and clients around the world. These include ministries, international organizations, political parties, trade unions, and NGOs.

Over 20 Years of Experience

Assembly Voting 20 years experience

We are an independent Danish technology company, with over 20 years of experience in developing and providing election software, as well as conducting statutory and non-statutory elections.

Deeply rooted in scientific research, we deliver end-to-end verifiable election systems in which every single part of the voting process can be checked and verified.

We make our technology and expertise available for a wide range of democratic events and clients around the world. These include ministries, international organizations, political parties, trade unions, and NGOs.

what our customers say about us

eu flag – Assembly Voting
Assembly Voting - RIPE NCC logo
Assembly Voting - Red Cross logo
Assembly Voting - OSCE logo
Assembly Voting - Transparency International logo
Assembly Voting - City of Copenhagen logo
Assembly Voting - Amnesty logo
Design uden navn 8 – Assembly Voting

What is End-to-end Verifiability

and Why Should You Care?

The overall goal of a democratic election or vote is to provide an unambiguous result which can be acknowledged as such by the voters, the candidates, and other stakeholders. When using online voting, this can only be achieved through using an end-to-end verifiable election system.

End-to-end verifiability allows for the independent verification of an election’s accuracy, from vote casting to tallying, without placing trust solely in any one component or actor. This ensures secure and correct results while maintaining the anonymity of each vote. When choosing an online voting system, make sure it contains full end-to-end verifiability to prevent fraud and tampering from going undetected.

You should always avoid black box systems, as they lack integrity and leave the voting process vulnerable to fraud or accusations which cannot be disproven.

For a system to qualify as end-to-end verifiable, voters need to be able to confirm that their votes have been:

1. Cast as intended

2. Received as cast

3. Counted as received

End-to-end verifiable system

Blackbox system

  • End-to-end verifiable system

    Refers to the process of verifying that the voter is eligible to cast a ballot in the election. It is a critical step in ensuring the security and integrity of the election process.

    Ensuring eligibility in digital voting is important because it prevents fraudulent or unauthorized voting, such as when someone who is not registered to vote attempts to cast a ballot or someone tries to cast multiple votes under different identities.

    By verifying eligibility, digital voting systems can ensure that only eligible voters are allowed to participate in the election, and that each voter is only able to cast one ballot.

    In a digital voting system, “Distributed trust” is a concept that involves the distribution of responsibility across multiple components of the voting system.

    This approach aims to provide a more secure and transparent voting system by avoiding the reliance on a single trusted authority. This means, components can fail or misbehave in a detectable way. If compromised, each component can then be fixed or replaced on its own.

    In a distributed trust model, various parties involved in the voting process, such as the voter, the voting system, and third-party auditors, work together to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the election.

    Each party has a specific role to play in providing checks and balances on each other, and this approach provides greater confidence in the accuracy and transparency of the election results.

    Ultimately, distributed trust in digital voting with end-to-end encryption is important for ensuring the privacy and security of voters and the integrity of the election”, as there is no single entity that has too much power or knowledge.

    Public Ballot Box” is a concept that refers to a public ledger that records all election events, including votes or configuration changes.

    This approach is important for ensuring the transparency and integrity of the election process. The Public Ballot Box is a crucial component of the election system that enables end-to-end verifiability as all verification processes are done based on the data published on it.

    In a digital voting system with a public ballot box, every voter’s vote is recorded and stored in a publicly accessible location, which allows for anyone to verify the election results. This approach provides greater confidence in the accuracy and fairness of the election.

    Additionally, with votes being encrypted, the public ballot box can be maintained while preserving the anonymity of individual voters

    Refers to the protection of voter privacy in the voting system.

    Voter secrecy is designed into the system by utilizing cryptographic techniques to ensure that no one, not even the voting system itself, can read any particular votes before a result is computed.

    The use of threshold encryption ensures that the integrity of the vote is protected while also preserving its secrecy. This is essential for ensuring the fairness and legitimacy of the election process.

    In digital voting, “Anonymity – Proven By Design” is a concept that refers to the protection of voter anonymity in the voting system.

    Anonymity is designed into the system by using cryptographic techniques that ensure that no one, including the voting system, can link a vote to an individual voter.

    The use of mixing algorithms ensures that the connection between a vote and its voter is split across several entities, therefore, no single individual can determine what a voter voted for.

    In digital voting, “Integrity of Election Result” is a concept that refers to the trustworthiness and accuracy of the election results.

    Integrity is designed into the system by using carefully selected cryptographic techniques to ensure that the votes are securely and accurately recorded, transmitted, and counted. Moreover, providing public auditability, any independent entity can verify the integrity of a result.

    The use of end-to-end verifiable election systems ensures that the election results are tamper-proof and cannot be altered without detection.

    Therefore, the integrity of the election result is a fundamental feature of end-to-end verifiable digital voting systems, and it is essential for ensuring the fairness and legitimacy of the election process.

    “Independent Audit – Fully Auditable” is a concept that refers to the ability to verify the accuracy and validity of the election results through an independent audit process, that is publicly accessible.

    In an end-to-end verifiable digital voting system, the system is designed to be fully auditable, allowing independent auditors to review the cryptographic protocols and algorithms used in the voting process.

    This approach provides a higher level of transparency and security than traditional paper-based voting systems.

    Therefore, the independent audit process helps to ensure the fairness and legitimacy of the election process by providing a way to verify the accuracy and validity of all election events, including election cofiguration, voting, vote processing and result computation.

    Overall, the use of end-to-end encryption and independent audit process provides a more secure and trustworthy method of digital voting.

  • Blackbox system

    In a blackbox digital voting system, “Ensure Eligibility” refers to the process of verifying that only eligible voters can participate in the voting process.

    Since a blackbox voting system is a closed system, there is no way to verify that the voters are who they claim to be or if they are eligible to vote.

    Therefore, ensuring eligibility in a blackbox system requires the implementation of robust identity verification and authentication protocols.

    This process typically involves verifying the identity of the voter through multiple factors, such as biometric identification, voter registration, and document verification.
    The goal is to prevent fraudulent voting and ensure that only eligible voters can participate in the election.

    Overall, ensuring eligibility in a blackbox digital voting system is a critical step to maintain the integrity and legitimacy of the election process.

    The absence of “Distributed Trust” in a blackbox digital voting system can lead to significant disadvantages and security concerns.

    A blackbox digital voting system is a closed system that relies on the trustworthiness of its central authority, which can be susceptible to hacking, tampering, or corruption.

    Without distributed trust, the central authority has full control over the system, which can undermine the transparency and security of the election process.

    Additionally, a lack of distributed trust means that there is no way to independently verify the integrity of the voting process or audit the election results. This can erode public confidence in the legitimacy of the election results, leading to disputes and challenges that can undermine the stability of the democratic process.

    The absence of a public ballot box in a blackbox digital voting system can create significant disadvantages and undermine the transparency and legitimacy of the election process.

    A public ballot box provides a physical and visible record of the voting process that allows voters to verify that their votes are counted and that the results are accurate.

    In contrast, a blackbox digital voting system lacks a physical record that voters can use to verify their votes or audit the election results. This can create a perception that the election results are susceptible to manipulation or tampering, eroding public confidence in the legitimacy of the election.

    Additionally, the lack of a public ballot box can make it challenging to conduct independent audits or recounts, which can further undermine the transparency and fairness of the election process.

    The absence of voter secrecy and an inability to prove it in a blackbox digital voting system can create significant disadvantages and undermine the privacy and integrity of the election process.

    Voter secrecy is a fundamental principle of democratic elections, which allows voters to express their preferences without fear of reprisal or coercion.

    However, in a blackbox digital voting system, it may be impossible to verify that voter secrecy is being maintained. Without a way to prove voter secrecy, voters may be hesitant to participate in the election or express their true preferences, which can undermine the legitimacy of the election results.

    Additionally, the lack of proof of voter secrecy can make it difficult to detect and prevent coercion or vote-buying, which can further undermine the fairness and integrity of the election process.

    Overall, the absence of voter secrecy and the inability to prove it can create significant challenges and undermine the legitimacy of a blackbox digital voting system.

    The absence of voter anonymity and the inability to prove it in a blackbox digital voting system can have significant drawbacks, such as reducing voter confidence and compromising the privacy and legitimacy of the election.

    The lack of anonymity may discourage voters from participating, thereby undermining the election’s credibility.

    Moreover, the inability to verify voter anonymity can make detecting and preventing fraudulent activities more difficult, further eroding public trust in the election outcome.

    Not ensuring anonymity in a blackbox digital voting system can severely harm the democratic process, making it essential to prioritize both anonymity and transparency in the system’s design and implementation. It is critical to address these issues to prevent potential risks and ensure the integrity of the election process.

    The inability to prove the integrity of the election result in a blackbox digital voting system can be a significant disadvantage.

    Without an assurance of accuracy and reliability, voters may lose trust in the election results and the democratic process as a whole.

    Moreover, a lack of transparency in the election process may make it easier for malicious actors to manipulate the results, further compromising the integrity of the election.

    Additionally, if the election result cannot be proven, it can be challenging to address any potential issues or discrepancies that arise during the election process.

    Therefore, it is essential to implement measures that ensure the integrity of the election result can be verified and proven, such as end-to-end verifiability and independent audits. By doing so, we can increase transparency and public trust in the election process.

    A blackbox digital voting system has limited auditability, which poses several disadvantages.

    In a blackbox system, the voting process is not transparent, and there is no way to verify that the votes were accurately recorded, transmitted, and counted. This lack of transparency can lead to doubts about the integrity of the election and potentially erode public trust in the democratic process.

    Moreover, in case of any errors or irregularities in the voting process, it is challenging to trace the cause and rectify it without an extensive audit trail.

    Limited auditability also means that it may be challenging to detect and prevent any attempts at election fraud, making it easier for malicious actors to manipulate the election results.

    In summary, limited auditability in a blackbox digital voting system can compromise the accuracy, integrity, and transparency of the election results.

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How Online Voting Can Play a Role in Making Elections More Sustainable

29th of May 2024

Online voting can serve as a part of the larger global effort to cut down on emissions and make elections more sustainable ♻️🌐
Read our new article to find out more about how online voting can play a role in making elections more sustainable ⬇️

Four Democratic Trends to be Positive about on the International Day of Democracy

13th of September 2024

To commemorate the International Day of Democracy on September 15th, the latest edition of The Ballot presents four positive trends in the democratic world which help remind us that, even in seemingly dark times, democracy still finds ways to shine.

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Assembly Voting at the 2024 CISIRH HR Applications Fair in Paris

14th of October 2024

Last week, we had the honor of presenting our all-in-one, end-to-end verifiable voting solution Electa at the Centre Interministériel de Services Informatiques relatifs aux Ressources Humaines (CISIRH) HR Applications Fair in Paris, France.

In addition to showcasing Electa’s features to an audience keen to learn about the future of online voting, we also met with other companies doing valuable work in HR and look forward to potentially working together with them going forward.

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A woman sitting a computer while compiling reports about sustainability, surrounded by related objects.

The Democratic Citizen

Citizens of “democratic” countries tend to think that living in such a place automatically makes them “democratic citizens” – after

protect democracy.
prove integrity.

At Assembly Voting, we believe that all elections are important. Whether they are large parliamentary or local, shareholder elections or elections for unions and associations, we have an online voting solution that fits.

Everyone deserves a voting result that can be proven beyond any doubt because doubt undermines the democratic mandate, the perceived integrity of the organization responsible for the election and overall trust in democracy.

We empower customers to prove the accuracy of election results with end-to-end verifiable technology that builds on scientific research and advanced cryptographic protocols.

Online Voting Software

protect democracy.
prove integrity.

At Assembly Voting, we believe that all elections are important. Whether they are large parliamentary or local, shareholder elections or elections for unions and associations, we have an online voting solution that fits.

Everyone deserves a voting result that can be proven beyond any doubt because doubt undermines the democratic mandate, the perceived integrity of the organization responsible for the election and overall trust in democracy.

We empower customers to prove the accuracy of election results with end-to-end verifiable technology that builds on scientific research and advanced cryptographic protocols.

Online Voting Software

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