Assembly Pre Election
Inspire More Candidates to Run and More Voters to Engage
Run pre-election campaigns related to the nomination and presentation of candidates and handle all relevant interaction with voters using a secure, advanced, and user-friendly digital platform.

What is Assembly Pre Election?
Assembly Pre Election is specifically designed to support your pre-election candidate nomination and presentation campaign as well as handle relevant interaction with voters. The system integrates and documents the entire process, saving time and money, while making it easier and far more more accessible for voters to engage.
Assembly Pre Election ensures compliance with relevant statutory nomination requirements. This reduces the risk of error and creates legitimacy around the entire nomination process.
Key Features and Benefits
Inspires candidates to run
More candidates run when they have an efficient digital platform to create their profiles, present themselves and connect with voters.
Increases voter turn-out
Improving accessibility to candidate information increases voter turn-out and engagement in your electoral event.
Improves compliance
Manages the nomination process including meeting specific statutory or non-statutory requirements, reducing the risk of errors.
Contemporary, Secure and Fully Documented
Assembly Pre Election is designed to comply with data protection requirements (e.g. GDPR) for registered candidates, nominees and others engaged in the nomination process.
The system is securely hosted and delivers documented compliance with statutory or non-statutory requirements.
Configuration options allow customers to prepare a detailed specification and timeline for each phase of the pre-election campaign; pre-nomination, nomination and post-nomination.
Testing of the fully configured system is conducted prior to opening.
More Than 25,000 Candidates Registered, Validated and Presented Using Assembly Pre Election
Assembly Pre Election is used by a wide range of private companies and public organizations, as well as professional associations, unions and others around the world. So far, more than 25,000 candidates have been registered, validated and presented using the system.
As part of the Senior Citizen Council election that reaches out to +90.000 voters in Copenhagen, Assembly Pre Election is used in the pre-election campaign to nominate and present candidates.
Flexible Configuration to Suit Different Needs
Nomination types
- Individual nomination
- Nomination based on recommendations
- Nomination of lists or parties
- Nomination in regions and districts
Candidate validation
- Digital signature
- Social security number
- Candidate PIN combined with ID
- Region and district restriction
Voting media
- PC
- Tablet
- Smartphone
- Hybrid nominations (paper)
Additional functionality
- Add content such as subpages or info pages to campaign election sites
- Invite potential nominees
- Image upload and video presentations
- Links on SoMe profiles or personal websites
Leading Organizations use Assembly Pre Election

Get Started Today
See for yourself how Assembly Voting's online voting system can help you carry out end-to-end verifiable elections of any type and size.