Assembly Voting has conducted the vast majority of collective agreement elections in Denmark for over a decade and we are thrilled to see voter participation today conducted 100% digital. We are also pleased to see how digital participation has become an integrated and valued part of the member-based democracy in Danish labour unions.

This graph shows the increase in voter turnout in the Danish Collective Agreements, private labour market 2012-2023
Throughout March and April, Assembly Voting conducted voting on the collective agreements in Denmark. Ratified with a record high voter turnout, this new collective agreement will be in force for over 600,000 people across Denmark for the next two years.

Mark Grønbæk Jensen
Senior Project Manager – Assembly Voting
“The Collective Agreement Elections are usually a very busy period in Assembly Voting. Within 3 weeks, we have conducted collective agreement elections for more than 10 of the most prominent unions in Denmark. Based on the total voter participation, the extra work hours have paid off.”
What do the unions say?
Learn how some of the most prominent trade unions in Denmark have increased voter turnout in their organizations after collaborating with Assembly Voting.