We are pleased to announce that Assembly Voting has recently passed an ISAE3000 Type2 GDPR audit performed by Deloitte over the last months. This means the company is again certified without any notices and customers can rest assured that we comply with relevant GDPR rules – the European legislative standards for the processing of personal data.
“Having efficient processes and systems in place to safely handle customer data is a vital task for Assembly Voting and we are proud to achieve the certification without any notices as it confirms our ability to maintain high-security internal security controls,” says Camilla Banja, Chief Business Development Officer in Assembly Voting.
ISAE3000 Type2 is the international standard based on the European General Data Protection Regulation Act (GDPR).
The law applies to any form of personal data processing, including: collection, registration, classification, storage, use, disclosure, coordination and deletion of data.
As part of the certification process, all data processes have been reviewed in Assembly Voting and documented to meet the highest standards of data protection.
Read more about our certification below: