Flexible conference system: From hybrid model to 100% digital party congress

This article references an older product of Assembly Voting, Assembly Conference Voting, which has now been replaced by our all-in-one voting solution Electa. To read more about Electa and what it has to offer, click here

For the first time ever, the Conservative People’s Party in Denmark held their annual congress 100% digitally in September 2020 where nearly 450 people participated digitally. The participants were able to follow the program, and not least participate in the ongoing activities, including propose amendments, stand for election, comment and participate in the ongoing voting, etc.

The Conservative People’s Party had planned to hold this year’s party congress with Assembly Conference Voting, with a wish to hold a party congress in a hybrid format with both a physical meeting and the option to take part digitally from home in order to provide their members with a more accessible and equal way to participate. In the weeks leading up to the party congress, preparations for such a hybrid event was therefore well underway. Unfortunately, COVID-19 and the most recent spike in infection rates put an end to the physical meeting. Instead, the annual congress was transformed into a pure digital event for the first time ever thanks to Assembly Conference Voting.

The democratic mandate for incoming proposals and personal elections from the party’s highest authority could thereby be secured.

It was absolutely ideal that we were able to convert the event into being 100% digital with only one week of notice.”

– Jesper Bay Eriksen, IT Manager from the Conservative People’s Party

Secure and user-friendly system with participation on equal footing

Throughout the event, Assembly Conference Voting ensured that only fully validated participants were able to view and actively participate either by smartphone, tablet or computer. At the same time, the system enabled the participants to propose amendments, sign up as candidates, comment and participate in the ongoing voting. All based on Assembly Voting’s secure and documented election technology.

It worked very well throughout the day. The delegates could easily follow the program, and not least participate in the ongoing activities and electronic voting.”

– Jesper Bay Eriksen, IT Manager from the Conservative People’s Party

Assembly Conference Voting has quickly emerged as the proven secure and fully documented digital solution to meet the challenge of convening for physical AGMs both in Denmark and internationally. The digital format creates better opportunities for everyone to participate on an equal footing.


The Conservative People’s Party’s annual congress 2020 is the first party congress to be held 100% digitally. 

Nearly 450 people participated on the day using tablets, smartphones and computers.

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