Én verificerbar, tilgængelig og prisvenlig platform til

alle typer af valg og afstemninger

Vi har gjort vores avancerede, matematisk beviselige og end-to-end verificerbare løsninger tilgængelige og overkommelige for alle typer af valg og afstemninger. Du kan enten administrere platformen selv eller lade vores valgeksperter tage sig af det.

Protect democracy. Prove integrity.

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what our customers say about us

RIPE NCC Logo2015 – Assembly Voting
Red Cross logo
oscepa logo 350 – Assembly Voting
transparencyintl sm color – Assembly Voting
city of copenhagen logo 4A118BBB81 seeklogo.com – Assembly Voting
amnesty – Assembly Voting

Get to know our solutions

Scheduled Voting

Live Conference Voting

Explore What We Are Doing Better

We offer a comprehensive election solution for all types of elections and votes. Our platform is designed to be intuitive and userfriendly, so you can quickly and easily set up elections and votes tailored to your exact needs. With our platform, you can rest assured that your elections and votes are safe and secure. Explore what we are doing better and discover why you should use our platform to conduct secure elections and votes.

Elections and Votes

Our global outreach has made us experienced in a wide range of different elections and votes, e.g.

  • Public Elections
  • Board Elections
  • Social Elections
  • Collective Agreements Elections
  • Work Council Elections
  • General Meetings
  • Church/Faith Group Elections
  • Conference Live Event Voting

Voting Settings

All election and vote events are different and we are able to support the vast majority of requirements, e.g.

  • Several Voting Methods
  • Quorum Rules
  • Weighted Voting
  • Voting Groups
  • Live Voting
  • Email and SMS Campaign Module
  • Embedded Live Streaming
  • Participation Module
  • Custom Result Calculation Methods
  • Multi Language

customer stories

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