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A research paper recently compared a number of online voting systems claiming to be “verifiable” based on their publicly-documented characteristics. We are thrilled to report that Electa stood out amongst its peers and would like to dedicate this post to covering the paper’s findings,
Citizens throughout the world now have the ability to use the internet and technology to accomplish a variety of tasks which could previously only be done either in-person or through the use of physical materials. In less than 50 years, email and text messages
The issue of voter participation In order for democracy to reach its full potential, it is important for voters to participate and cast ballots when they can. In spite of this, governments and organizations may find it difficult to raise the number of participating
Newsletter September Welcome to our first newsletter. We’re excited to have you onboard and look forward to inviting you inside our world and work. Here, we will catch you up on company news, trends, and threats to the world’s best idea: democracy. A word
Recent months have reminded us of how valuable a well-established democracy is, both as a civilized arena for electing and dismissing those in power and as a fence against violations of the rules of law. Current events also remind us that democracy is fragile,
Is it possible for something to be both secret and transparent? That paradox is one of the biggest challenges facing developers working in the world of electronic voting. On the one hand, ensuring a secure voting experience means making the process open and
This article references an older product of Assembly Voting, Assembly Conference Voting, which has now been replaced by our all-in-one voting solution Electa. To read more about Electa and what it has to offer, click here. For as much as we’d all love to believe otherwise, two
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